Category: Plant Care

Why do some houseplants come in soil and others come in lava rock? If you aquire plants that are grown in a mixture of lava rock, peat moss and time release fertilizer ( usually small green beads in the top portion of the mix) you can bet your green thumb that they were grown in […]Continue reading

Why does a plant get yellow leaves? It is normal to have some leaves yellow and dry up on your indoor potted plants. This processes could be likened to your skin cells that are continuously regenerating. The leaves will never turn green again, so pull the yellow leaves off the plant. If there is excessive […]Continue reading

The correct answer to this question is hardly ever if at all!! Most indoor foliage and common houseplants are grown by professional growers and are fertilized regularly at the nursery. When plants are being grown in the nursery they receive high amounts of light, air movement and water. While the houseplants are growing actively they […]Continue reading

Ficus trees are one of the most requested Indoor plants, after all they do look like a tree and that’s what many clients envision when they wish to create a natural park-like environment inside their lobby, office, or home. Ficus trees do well inside spaces with high indirect light such as near a west or […]Continue reading

Mealy bugs! Yuck!! Mealy bugs appear on plants as small, soft bodied insects with a fuzzy white covering. They are common to indoor plants. The visible mealy bugs are the females. They may have fringes around their bodies and a small tail (or two). The male mealy bug is a tiny winged critter that’s hard […]Continue reading

For some applications self watering containers are useful, but basically they will lull you into not paying attention to your plants. One of the obvious problems with self-watering containers is that you must still keep the reservoir full. If you are standing next to your houseplant with a watering devise, why not just water the […]Continue reading

The Dracaena Family makes up a large portion of the professional interiorscapers arsenal. This diverse group of botanicals number well over 40 varieties, including some of the most popular air scrubbing plants we use to “green up” our interior spaces. Dracaena Massangeana, Warneckii, Lisa, Arborea and Janet Craig are just a few of the commonly […]Continue reading